Saturday, November 15, 2014

Being Married Is Easy.... If You're Perfect

Dear Readers,

Being married is definitely not easy. I'm so sorry if the title confused you, but quite obviously, none of us are perfect. Well, my husband certainly seems to think he is. The bad news? He isn't. I know I'm not perfect - far from it. Often, I think I'm insane. The good news is that I'm willing to live with it, even at the expense of everyone around me.

I've been married for almost six years - and I'm incredibly young to be boasting those kinds of numbers just yet. In fact, the vast majority of my friends have been married for a year or less, if they're even married yet at all. Ah, yes, I was one of those who "married up and settled down" early on in life. At eighteen, I married my husband, had a child, and encountered a thousand ridiculous issues along the way that no one ever warns you about.

Some people will freely tell you about how perfect their marriage is, and how perfect their significant other is. The reality of it is that, behind closed doors, these very same people yell, scream, complain, gripe, and otherwise act hypocritical. Everyone has something that bugs them about the one their stuck with for life. Me? I can't stand how vain my husband is. He also snores, is a bed/cover hog, has this awful complex where he thinks he's better than everyone, and thinks that the world revolves around money. Oh, and there is this awful habit he has where he holds everything in until he blows up over something small - oh, I just can't STAND that!!!

I'm not perfect, either. I know, I know - hard to believe, but hey, it happens. I'm a total spaz, and a raging hypochondriac. I can be a big pushover, and - while I have plenty of drive to do better - I'm quite simple. My dreams are simple, my plans are simple, and nothing I do is overly complicated. Apparently, this is a flaw, or so I've been told. I also take too long in the shower, complain like nobody's business when my hormones are raging (oh yeah, women, you know exactly what I mean).

Our marriage is definitely not perfect. We clash all of the time.  When we do argue (because often, we don't - opting instead to simply ignore it and pretend everything is fine) it's crazy. It's like World War III just erupted in our living room, and everyone within a hundred mile radius hides in their bomb shelters and basements. Boom! Crash! Heads and tempers and feelings explode everywhere! We really don't do this often. I can count our big fights on one hand. But trust me, it happens.

The funny thing is that most people think our marriage is perfect. It doesn't matter how many times I've told them it's not, either. My husband goes out and works. He's got an awesome job, with benefits and a pension and a pretty decent salary. I work part-time at a local bakery while our five year old daughter is in school. Otherwise, I'm your typical Super Mom - I clean, I cook, I'm the room coordinator at her school, I run the errands, I do everything - seriously. It kills me sometimes, but I really do everything. Our bills are now fairly cheap, although we're ridiculous in debt from a recent move. Pay rent at two places, plus every other bill  associated  with moving? Yeah, that'll do it. The new place, which six adults and three children under the age of five, share, is gorgeous. It's huge, roomy, beautiful, in a perfect location - albeit it doesn't heat up very well in the winter. I mean, what more could we ask for, right?

No, apparently, there is a lot lacking in our lives. At least, that's my husband thinks. I'm content, but he's not. He seriously drives me crazy with his drive. Seriously. Then we're both moody and speaking/acting irrationally. Why should I spew all this seemingly unimportant information forth? To give everyone else out their hope. You see, this isn't the first rough spot my husband and I have weathered - God willing, it won't be the last. Marriage is not easy. It's hard. Sometimes you'll want to love all up on someone, and sometimes you'll want to smother them with a pillow. Sometimes you'll get along perfectly, and other times you'll want to bite their face off every single time you see them. Just work it out. You'll get through it, and you'll have some good times before the next war strikes.

Dixie Rants

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